Tuesday, March 8, 2011


•    “that funereal tree by the river” (90).
     In a description of the fatal accident, the author describes the scene as taking place in  the “funereal tree.” The accident that occurred in this tree permanently ended Finny’s athletic career. By naming the tree the “funereal tree,” Knowles creates a melancholy tone. This tone aids the author in relating to the audience that Finny’s athletic abilities are officially. Also, “funereal tree” foreshadows the death of Finny. While falling from the tree ended Finny’s athletic promise, it was also what ended his life in the end. The diction of “funereal tree” generates a melancholy tone for it describes the death of Finny’s athleticism and life. 
•    “For if Leper was psycho it was the army which had done it to him, and I and all of us were on the brink of the army” (144).
     Leper Lepellier was the first student at Devon to join the army. However, Leper was not able to stay in the war for long, for his innocent nature was not accustomed to the harsh realities of war. When Gene visits Leper, after he has escaped from the war, the author describes Leper as being “psycho.” The word psycho places Leper in a category where he is not just crazy or weird, but where he is mentally ill. Leper’s illness marks another intrusion of the war on the peace at Devon because the war has actually affected one of their own and the students realize that the war could possibly mentally or physically harm them as well. An apprehensive tone is shown through the diction of psycho for students realize that the war actually exists and are fearful of the harm that the war might inflict on them.


  1. I like your choice of the phrase “the funeral tree” for diction with negative connotation. It definitely creates a morbid tone that later comes to represent the death of both Finny and his friendship with Gene. I also agree with your analysis that Knowles’ use of the word “psycho” connotates insanity and mental instability. Not only does it represent Leper’s experience in the war, but it portrays the "war craze” that was going through American society at the time, as well as the true effect that an individual goes through once being engaged in violence to such extremities.

  2. I enjoyed the examples you used for this entry, however I would have liked to have seen more examples of diction that would better convey the author's theme and style. I liked your in depth analysis of the word psycho and how it portrays a deeper meaning then what it is. I believe that this entry could have been more elaborated but I feel that the examples you did have were accurate for conveying the points that you argued.
